Going ons

    Sunday, May 3, 2009

    [Random Blog about Manga]

    [Random Manga Page]

    [Text explaining manga and context of image]

    [Text convincing people to try and read it sometime]

    /end imaginary fix
    /continue withdrawal symptoms



    Billy Wan said...

    Aw. You need a break. XD Actually, I've a recommendation for you but I don't want to make you ignore your animation cuz it's really good and you won't stop reading. Hehe, or actually maybe you might be reading it already. I forced myself to stop reading.

    Jose Marzan said...

    Whats it called? I'll bookmark it for summer. As soon as it hits I'm going on a manga binge.

    Billy Wan said...

    Hehe...is it really all right to tell you now? XD It's called Code Breaker.

    Jose Marzan said...

    Ha ha yeah I'm caught up with that, never expected the whole 'eye for an eye' work so well with the series. I feel like I'm out of the know for all the weekly series, its driving me crazy!